MCCI has developed a wide range of resources to support the implementation of inclusive service delivery principles. Resources are also available to assist and inform consumers on how to access support and maintain health, wellbeing and independence.
Resources for download

This guide provides aged care service providers with practical information to ensure workplaces are safe, inclusive, and free from racism and discrimination for all workers.

Amplifying M Voices podcasts series: Young people sharing their experiences from settling in the Illawarra. Winner of the NSW Youth Work Awards 2023 for ‘Outstanding Work with Young People from Diverse Backgrounds and Experiences’.

7 tips in Arabic and Swahili for a healthy headspace: Based on headspace’s English language fact sheets ‘7 tips for a healthy headspace’, young people of African and Middle Eastern backgrounds in Wollongong have made the information culturally appropriate and easily accessible for their communities. See below for 7 tips videos developed by Karen and Karenni.

Bridging Cultures: This book is intended to enhance the readers’ understanding of the cultural diversity of many people seeking aged care services or who are currently receiving services from aged care service providers in Australia.
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Cross Cultural Communication poster: A poster for your workplace to promote positive cross cultural communication.

Multicultural Seniors Information Guide: A guide to government funded services you can access to support you to live well. Translated to Arabic, Burmese, Croatian, Greek, Korean, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Italian, Macedonian and Chinese (simplified)

10 questions to ask: 10 Questions is a series of leaflets written by nurses, doctors and experts with experience in aged care. Each leaflet focuses on an individual aspect of care to increase consumer knowledge and make the journey into residential aged care easier.

Planning Ahead for future health care – multilingual booklet.