MCCI has delivered cultural training to over 5000 participants in NSW and ACT with 98% rating the training as ‘very good’ or ‘excellent’.
Based on a fee for service delivery, MCCI can tailor training to suit your service and staff needs. These sessions can be delivered in person or online.
- Schools: interactive workshops that invite students to learn more about the refugee experience and how to help create environments where people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds feel valued and respected.
- Businesses: training which supports staff to understand the CALD experience and equips them with a broad range of cultural capacity skills.
Tailored sessions include:
Culturally Inclusive Service Delivery
Understanding different cultures underpins our ability to be responsive to the diverse needs of the people we engage. This training is for anyone who works with CALD people and would like to develop strategies to enhance cultural competence.
Working With New and Emerging Communities
New and emerging communities are migrants and refugees who have recently arrived in Australia and may need additional support in the settlement process. This session will help participants understand the barriers to settlement and provide information and resources to support new arrivals. It is for any service whose work brings them in contact with new and emerging communities.
Working in a Culturally Diverse Team
A CALD workplace provides a unique opportunity to connect and learn from people of different backgrounds. Organisations who embrace diversity see it as capturing talent, boosting innovation and encouraging productivity. We can provide training for service providers who would like to learn how they can better support and encourage inclusion and connections in a diverse workforce.
Please contact us for more information about how we can develop training for your organisation and go to What’s On for training sessions open to the public.

Discussing with other service providers gave me a better understanding of how to be more inclusive of people in CALD communities and the challenges they face in regional areas
Fiona Henwood, Orientation and Mobility Specialist, Guide Dogs