Welcome to CALDWays Courses!

These courses are designed to be an informative, short, and fun way to learn more about how we can better serve our culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) elderly clients.

Before you jump in, please read the following points about our online learning platform:

  1. Each module must be completed in order. To check this, go to the module name at the bottom of this page. A green tick next to the module name means the module has been completed and an empty circle means it has not been completed.
  2. If you are unsure why a module is not being labelled as complete, please ensure you have completed all content within the module. This includes watching videos until the end and successfully completing any quizzes.
  3. If you are having issues with any aspect of the platform, please email Chris at chrisbird@mcci.org.au
  4. Extra resources are available on our Padlet.
  5. Begin the course by clicking the introduction module below. Happy learning!

Welcome to CALDWays Courses!

These courses are designed to be an informative, short, and fun way to learn more about how we can better serve our culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) elderly clients.

Before you jump in, please read the following points about our online learning platform:

  1. Each module must be completed in order. To check this, go to the module name at the bottom of this page. A green tick next to the module name means the module has been completed and an empty circle means it has not been completed.
  2. If you are unsure why a module is not being labelled as complete, please ensure you have completed all content within the module. This includes watching videos until the end and successfully completing any quizzes.
  3. If you are having issues with any aspect of the platform, please email admin@mcci.org.au
  4. Extra resources are available on our Padlet.
  5. Begin the course by clicking the introduction module below. Happy learning!

Welcome to CALDWays Courses!

These courses are designed to be an informative, short, and fun way to learn more about how we can better serve our culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) elderly clients.

Before you jump in, please read the following points about our online learning platform:

  1. Each module must be completed in order. To check this, go to the module name at the bottom of this page. A green tick next to the module name means the module has been completed and an empty circle means it has not been completed.
  2. If you are unsure why a module is not being labelled as complete, please ensure you have completed all content within the module. This includes watching videos until the end and successfully completing any quizzes.
  3. If you are having issues with any aspect of the platform, please email admin@mcci.org.au
  4. Extra resources are available on our Padlet.
  5. Begin the course by clicking the introduction module below. Happy learning!

Welcome to CALDWays Courses!

These courses are designed to be an informative, short, and fun way to learn more about how we can better serve our culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) elderly clients.

Before you jump in, please read the following points about our online learning platform:

  1. Each module must be completed in order. To check this, go to the module name at the bottom of this page. A green tick next to the module name means the module has been completed and an empty circle means it has not been completed.
  2. If you are unsure why a module is not being labelled as complete, please ensure you have completed all content within the module. This includes watching videos until the end and successfully completing any quizzes.
  3. If you are having issues with any aspect of the platform, please email admin@mcci.org.au
  4. Extra resources are available on our Padlet.
  5. Begin the course by clicking the introduction module below. Happy learning!

Welcome to CALDWays Courses!

These courses are designed to be an informative, short, and fun way to learn more about how we can better serve our culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) elderly clients.

Before you jump in, please read the following points about our online learning platform:

  1. Each module must be completed in order. To check this, go to the module name at the bottom of this page. A green tick next to the module name means the module has been completed and an empty circle means it has not been completed.
  2. If you are unsure why a module is not being labelled as complete, please ensure you have completed all content within the module. This includes watching videos until the end and successfully completing any quizzes.
  3. If you are having issues with any aspect of the platform, please email Chris at chrisbird@mcci.org.au
  4. Extra resources are available on our Padlet.
  5. Begin the course by clicking the introduction module below. Happy learning!