CALDWays is an annual conference focused on developing expertise in multicultural aged care.
CALDWays 2022 will be an exciting national online event with many great speakers presenting throughout the day. This event is perfect for aged care providers and their staff to gain new knowledge and expertise in the provision of services for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) senior communities. The speakers at this year’s event include:
– Dr. Norman Swan speaking on the post-COVID world and the new normal.
– Troy Speirs, Leading Age Services Australia presenting on the upcoming Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) reforms.
– Professor Steven D’Alessandro sharing his knowledge on communications and marketing to ageing CALD communities.
– Veronica Bird and Aunty Joyce Bonner speaking about their experience applying the Uluru Statement from the Heart to local decision making in Aboriginal communities.
– Emerging Communities Roundtables where new and emerging community members speak about their unique needs and answer questions.
– Sarah Wilson, Executive Operations Manager Multicultural Communities Council of Illawarra presenting on leadership for a multicultural workforce.
The full agenda can be seen below.
You will receive access to the livestream event on the day as well as access to the recorded sessions for up to six months after the event date.
Come along and learn more about providing successful aged care services to CALD communities in engaging and entertaining sessions!